Oconics Pty Ltd
1300 463 060

Customer Testimonials

Read about what some of our customers are saying about us.
Click on the logo to read the full testimonial.

“Oconics is great, always available as required and on their watch we’ve had minimal problems.”

Cameron Johnson, CEO
Linear Clinical Research

“Oconics’ great understanding of our needs enables more cost-effective service provision. They also give us peace of mind because we don’t need to chapter-and-verse review whatever they do.”

Craig Rogers, CEO
Nucleus Network Limited

“Oconics understands the importance of data in our industry, especially our requirement for robust DR (Disaster Recovery) plans.”

Craig Rogers, CEO
Pharmaceutical Packaging Professionals Pty Ltd

“They’re just an email or phone call away and they are very responsive. Oconics takes all the hassle of IT out of my hands, which allows me to focus on running the business.”

Michelle Fraser, CEO
Reproductive Health Science, Pty. Ltd.

“Oconics, we achieve efficiencies by talking to people who understand what our outcome needs to be. Quite simply, it’s in-depth sector knowledge”

Greg Hall, Director, Biotechnology Infrastructure

“Nothing seems to be too difficult for the Oconics team. Oconics’ ability to get it done right every time is an absolute gold mine”

Len Gemelli, General Manager, Information Technology
Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

“In the more than a decade that we’ve worked with them, Oconics have been great. They’re reliable, flexible and very responsive. ”

Jane Kelly, General Manager

“The relationship we have with Oconics is remarkable. It’s a proactive, not reactive, relationship – nothing is too difficult, no job is too small and no job is too big. They understand that real service is doing something, not just saying something. ”

Matt Malone, Chief Information Officer
Symbion Pty Ltd